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I offer a range of strength based programmes, tailored to the client's goals. These programmes establish effective tools for managing focus and perception, and harness the individual's innate strengths and creativity. They are then supported in resolving their issues, and discovering learning approaches in line with their own thinking style, which can be taken into the future.


Programmes can be conducted face to face in the North Shropshire area, or arranged over zoom if you are further afield. Request a free, no obligation consultation.


Click below for more information.

Davis® Programmes

Reading in a Bookstore
Archer with Bow
Child looking at maths chalkboard
Young child reading with adult
Read/write mastery

An intensive, 30 hour programme, usually over five consecutive days.

This programme is suitable for those who feel they are struggling with literacy in particular, including reading, writing, spelling and handwriting issues. It is ideal for those with challenges associated with dyslexia and is an effective approach for those who have struggled with phonics. It is suitable for ages 8 to adult.


Elements included:

tools for focus, control, and accurate perception;

alphabet mastery, to find and resolve any confusions;

reading exercises, to make reading comfortable and easy;

symbol mastery, to bring meaning to those words which are difficult to picture;

tailored activities to specific goals, e.g. handwriting, spelling, or elements from other programmes.

Davis® Mastery for Dyslexia Programme

An intensive, 30 hour programme, usually over five consecutive days. This programme is suitable for those who feel they have challenges around maintaining focus and attention, completing tasks, personal organisation or time management. It is useful for those who are impulsive or, because of their energy levels, struggle with daily relationships. This programme is suitable for ages 8 to adult.


Elements included:

tools for maintaining focus, control, and managing energy levels;

concept mastery (e.g. cause and effect), to deepen understanding of personal regulation and social expectations;

establishing order, procedures to improve personal organisation;

behaviour strategies, where clients can explore scenarios and solutions with ownership and free of judgment;

tailored activities to other goals, e.g. clock mastery, or elements from other programmes.

Attention mastery

Davis® Mastery for Attention Programme

Maths mastery

An intensive, 48 hour programme, usually over eight days. This is for those experiencing difficulties with numeracy or dyscalculia. It explores basic concepts to support maths learning, numbers and how they work, and arithmetic skills. It establishes certainty at every point, and ensures no concepts have been missed. It is suitable for ages 8 to adult.


Elements included:

tools for maintaining focus, control, and managing energy levels;

concept mastery, to support mathematical thinking;

maths exercises, exploring numbers and arithmetic through clay to bring visual meaning to maths,

symbol mastery, for maths story problem words,

tailored activities to other goals, e.g. other specific topics of concern in maths, or elements from other programmes. 

Davis® Mastery for Maths Programme

Davis® Reading Programme for Young Learners

Young learner

A 30 hour programme, for any young learner, working with the child and parent.

Together they explore effective, early support for developing  literacy skills. The programme engages the imagination in developing literacy, and is complimentary to approaches usually experienced in schools. It is suitable for children between the ages of 5 and 7.


This programme follows the elements of the reading and writing programme but at a less intensive pace. It introduces Davis approaches and exercises to the child, and trains the parent/carer alongside, to be able to continue with the child once the initial program is finished.

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